About us
Dedicated to making your team work better
Happy clients with less time spent
We want to make life easier on accountants and bookkeepers by giving them the right tools and making them more efficient. Anything that makes life easier or your clients happier is what we are passionate about. Your clients get better quality of service and you save time.
To do, to make, to accomplish
PRAGMA (πράγμα) - In ancient greek, the meaning of the word was to do, to make or to accomplish. It has later been used to name PRAGMATISM, one of the most predominant philosophical movements in the latter part of the 19. century - a philosophy that encouraged people to find processes that work in order to achieve their desired goals. It heavily influenced political and economic thinking, as well as the educational system, and has today moved into mainstream language as a common term for being realistic and reasonable.
Accountants and bookkeepers are highly productive people that follow extremely complicated procedures with almost zero tolerance to errors. That calls for all the qualities that PRAGMA holds.
We had for a long time been frustrated with all the manual and time consuming work related to accounting and bookkeeping - where only a part of it is doing the actual work. A big part of it was keeping the 'ball rolling' by ensuring we had the information we needed and deadlines were being met. We spent too much time on each activity and we did not have any real power to plan - leading to high intensity periods where everybody had to work overtime.
We created PRAGMEO because we were determined to create an IT platform that was easy to use, would helpe us save time and give our clients a better quality of service. We did not want to change the way accountants and bookkeepers work. We just wanted them to be able focus on the core of their business - which is accounting and bookkeeping. We wanted all the other work, which does not require the skills of an accountant or bookkeeper, to be handled in a smarter and more user friendly way - leading to happier clients with less time spent.
We use PRAGMEO in our own business every day and hope you will enjoy it too.

Jesper Præst
Statsautoriseret revisor
Cand.merc.aud fra CBS i 2009, statsautoriseret revisor fra 2013
National og international erfaring fra en række større kunder og en bred del af SMV segmentet omkring regnskab/bogholderi, samt skat og rådgivning fra PWC, Deloitte og Brandt. Nu selvstændig revisor og ejer af GoAudit ApS. Har desuden erfaring internt fra en bred vifte af virksomheder såsom Codan/RSA, Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S m.fl. Underviser desuden på SDU, FSR, FDR og SKAT m.fl.

Anders keldsen
Civilingeniør (M.Sc), MCSE, MCSD, CCNA, CISSP
Civilingeniør fra DTU i 2004 med speciale i softwareudvikling.
Beskæftiger sig til daglig med softwareudvikling og IT infrastruktur. Bred erfaring fra enterprise projekter i virksomheder som Maersk, Danske bank, Saxo Bank, Novo Nordisk, Ørsted med flere. Er i dag selvstændig og beskæftiger sig med konsulentarbejde og iværksætteri.